Kaap Skil - Museum

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The Kaap Skil Museum, located in the heart of the fishing village of Oudeschild on Texel, is a source of stories and adventures about life at sea. This versatile museum brings the rugged maritime history to life with its impressive collection of top finds from centuries-old shipwrecks.

What can you expect?

A Must-See for Maritime History Enthusiasts

The Kaap Skil Museum is a fascinating destination for anyone interested in maritime history, archaeology, and the cultural heritage of the Wadden Islands. Experience the stories of sailors, beachcombers, and craftsmen who have shaped the culture and history of this unique island.

Discover the hidden treasures of the sea and life from the past at the Kaap Skil Museum in Oudeschild, Texel!

Furthermore Kaap Skil is near the following sights: Het Sop Seal Tours (±100 m), TX44 Wadden Cruise (±125 m), Oudeschild Playground (±125 m), Zeehondentocht met de Anna (±225 m) & Shrimp Fishing with the TX20 Walrus (±400 m).

For information

Heemskerckstraat 9, Oudeschild
web. Website