Meierblis 2025

On 30 April, as dusk falls, dozens of large and small bonfires are lit on Texel: the Meierblis. With this centuries-old tradition, the people of Texel bid farewell to winter and celebrate the arrival of spring.
What is the Meierblis?
- Ancient Tradition: The Meierblis has been celebrated for centuries and symbolises the transition from the dark winter to the warm summer season. The name likely originates from ‘May’ and ‘blis’ (fire).
- A Social Gathering: Around the fires, people share stories, toast bread, and grill sausages while young and old enjoy the warmth and companionship together.
- Public and Private Fires: Every village on Texel has its own large public Meierblis, but private individuals are also allowed – under certain conditions – to light their own blis.
- Spectacular Atmosphere: As the first fires are lit, the air fills with the scent of burning wood, creating a breathtaking spectacle across the entire island.
Where can you experience the Meierblis?
The public Meierblissen are lit at several locations on Texel, including:
- De Koog – at Bosrandweg
- Den Burg – diagonally opposite Stayokay Texel
- Oudeschild – at De Redoute, 1 km past Oudeschild towards Pontweg
- Oosterend – at the Nieuweschild-Fanneweg corner
- Den Hoorn – at Stolpweg
- De Cocksdorp – at Stengweg, on the storage grounds of the Hoogheemraadschap
- De Waal – at Spangerweg 10
- ’t Horntje – behind the bicycle rental shop
Meierblis: Experience Texel’s Tradition and Togetherness
The Meierblis is more than just a fire; it is an evening filled with warmth, tradition, and togetherness.
What time / Opening hours
From 19:00 hours.