Lost object on Texel
You indicate that you have lost or found something.
If you have lost something you can report this at the municipality Texel (https://www.texel.nl/). Not the police. Is it an object which has been stolen from you? Then you should indeed do report to the police. Sometimes you also need to go to the police when it comes to a lost identity document.
Lost something?
If you have an lost an object in (the region of) Texel, you can inquire the local municipality Texel. Perhaps your item is already found. You can declare an lost object on https://verlorenofgevonden.nl/. You can of course also come to the town hall.
After declaration of loss and showing your ID, you can retake your possession immediately.
Do you have found an object (in this region), then it is your duty to do your best to give it back to the owner. If you know who the owner is, you can do this yourself. Do you not know who the owner is? You report the the item to the local municipality.
You can declare an found object on https://verlorenofgevonden.nl/. You can of course also always come to the town hall.
Is carnival celebrated on Texel?
No, carnival isn't celebrated on Texel .
Where is the police station of Texel?
Here you have the address and contact details:
Politie Texel
Pontweg 104
1791 LB Den Burg
tel. +31 343-57 8844
Is there a public laundrette on Texel?
No, as far as we know, there is no public laundrette on Texel.
Various campsites, holiday parks, and the marina have laundrette facilities for their guests, but you cannot use them if you are not a guest.
Can you light fireworks on Texel on New Year’s Eve?
Around New Year’s Eve, a lot of fireworks are being lighted by individuals. Texel allows consumers to light fireworks from 6 pm on December 31st, until 2 am on January 1st.
On other days, consumer fireworks are prohibited on Texel throughout the year. Only professionals with a license may then fire off fireworks.
Firework-free zone
There are several firework-free zones / areas on Texel. Contrary to what some (national) media suggest, there is no general ban on fireworks for the entire island of Texel on 31 December.
Partly due to the low number of inhabitants, there is relatively little fireworks on Texel on 31 December each year.
No fireworks on new year’s eve on Texel
If you want to enjoy New Year’s Eve in peace and quiet, you are very welcome to come and spend the last week of the year on Texel!
start the new year without noisy explosions
While many people feel that fireworks are just as much a part of New Year’s Eve as oliebollen, champagne and the New Year’s TV specials, more and more Dutch people are becoming increasingly annoyed and frustrated with them. Small children are frightened of them and can’t sleep. Pets panic or run away and people with asthma find their symptoms are exacerbated by the smoke and powder fumes. The idea of spending New Year’s Eve without fireworks is gaining in popularity – but where do you go to escape from “Super Strikes” and other bangers?
fireworks-free overnight accommodation
More than 20 holiday parks, hotels, holiday cottages and bed & breakfasts around the island are guaranteed to be free of fireworks. For pets, in particular, it is a relief to be able to spend New Year’s Eve in an environment without any loud explosions. Below is a list of all fireworks-free overnight accommodation:
Are the shops on Texel opened on Sundays?
On Texel, shops are allowed to open every Sunday. Many shops are also open on Sundays, but not all shopkeepers take advantage of this opportunity.
The standard opening hours on public holidays and shopping Sundays on Texel are from 12:00 to 17:00.
We are soon on holiday on Texel. Where can I exchange, fill, rent or buy (camping) gas bottles?
An overview of all gas bottle sales store can be found at:
- https://benegas.com/flessenzoeker/
- https://www.primagaz.nl/nl-nl/dealerlocator
What are the addresses and contact details of the Municipality Texel?
Gemeente Texel
Emmalaan 15
1791 AT Den Burg
tel. +31 222-14 0222
e-mail. gemeente@texel.nl
web. https://www.texel.nl/
Kites on a beach are beautiful things to see. Kiting is also a fun activity. You are allowed to use a one-line kite everywhere.
On three parts of the beach you are also allowed to kite with navigable kites (kites that have two or more lines): between 10.93 and 11.68 near Den Hoorn, between 21.31 and 22.51 (near De Koog) and between 28.40 and the breakwater (De Cocksdorp).
From a safety point of view, and in order to limit the inconvenience for other people, you are not allowed to fly your kite on the other parts of the beach. The parts of the beach where kiting is prohibited are marked by signs.
What is the address and telephone number of the Tourism Office of Texel?
VVV Texel
Emmalaan 66
1791 AV Den Burg
tel. +31 222 314741
e-mail info@texel.net
There are many cafes where people can view important football matches. Among which:
- café de Kuip, Dorpstraat, De Koog.
Markets on Texel
Every Monday morning there's a street market in the town centre of Den Burg. In high season, there's a market or street fair in one of the villages almost every day.
We spend Christmas and New Year's Eve on Texel. Are the shops, museums, attractions and restaurants on Texel open on Christmas Eve (24 Dec.), Christmas Day (25 Dec.), New Year's Eve (31 Dec.) and New Year's Day (1 Jan.)?
Most shops, attractions and museums are closed on Christmas Day (25 Dec.) and on New Year's Day (1 Jan.). On other Christmas vacation days they are open during regular opening hours (which can be found on the individual websites).
Most restaurants on Texel are open on Christmas Eve (24 Dec.) and Christmas Day (25 Dec.) but a reservation is often necessary. Several restaurants are also open on New Year's Eve (31 Dec.) and New Year's Day (1 Jan.), but some of them are closed. Unfortunately, we do not have a list of restaurants on Texel that are open during the Christmas holiday.
You can find all information about local restaurants on Texel on: https://texel.de/en/food-and-beverages.php
For a list with information and opening hours of each restaurant on Texel, we refer to the websites: TheFork.nl and/or Eet.nu.
Are the shops on Texel open on November 11?
November 11 is in many countries, including Belgium, a public holiday in memory of the First World War.
However, in the Netherlands is November 11 a normal day. Therefore all shops on Texel are open during the normal hours.
There is a great variety of shops on the island of Texel. In Den Burg, the familiar large chain stores will remind you of home, but it is the unique little shops that give the town centre its typical street-scene. Shops are open from Monday to Saturday. Every Friday Den Burg has a shopping night till 9pm. Out of season, a number of shops are closed on Tuesday afternoons.