Camping Kogerstrand

Camping Kogerstrand - 1

When you think of a campsite do you imagine a place with orderly grassy pitches and asphalted paths? Then you have probably never been to Texelcamping Kogerstrand. It’s not without reason that the ANWB acclaimed this campsite as the ‘charmecamping’ [delightful campsite]! Kogerstrand is unique in terms of location, atmosphere and hospitality.

Texelcamping Kogerstrand
In natural surroundings
Texelcamping Kogerstrand is located between seaside resort De Koog and the North Sea beach. The terrain itself is owned by the Dutch Forestry Commission. This means that all decisions made take the natural surroundings into consideration. The result is: Unique pitches situated in the dune hollows, immediately bordering on Texel’s Nationaal Park Duinen.

Texelcamping Kogerstrand
The ideal beach holiday
Youngsters have an adventurous time with the professional recreation team in the May and summer holidays. The playground guarantees hours of pleasure in a safe, car-free area where they can horse about or play hide-and-seek in the dune hollows.

You get that ultimate feeling of being on holiday when you’re on the beach of course. Breathe in the fresh air. Build the best sandcastle on the whole beach or take a refreshing swim if the weather is hot. Only one row of dunes separates the campsite from the beach.

Texelcamping Kogerstrand
Refreshing drink or delightful meal
Naturally, you can also find a place in the campsite’s pavilion for a delicious cup of coffee, a refreshing drink or some tasty chips. Also on the beach itself and in De Koog itself are there enough small restaurants where you can enjoy a delightful meal.

The way to really discover Texel is from Texelcamping Kogerstrand.

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Pour information et la réservation

Duinkampeerterrein Kogerstrand
Badweg 33, De Koog
web. Plus d'informations